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CPPCrates ​

My Role ​

  • Sole Programmer

Created Using ​

  • C++

Achievements ​

  • Scored 98/100 marks on the submission for this game

Overview ​

As part of one of my first modules at the University of Staffordshire I had the opportunity to learn C++ and develop a console-based game.

The game I developed is about clicking to earn money, purchasing crates, and hoping for good luck. It has many features, including:

  • A crate shop that supports buying crates and viewing the contents of the crates
  • A player coins balance that is updated when the player uses coin clickers or gets items from crates
  • A moddable JSON backend that allows for easy additions of new crates and items
  • A save/load system that allows players to save their progress and load back into the game at a later time

The game was developed over the course of the module, so about 9 weeks.

Showcase ​

The gallery below shows some screenshots from the game.

Game Screenshot

Game Screenshot

Game Screenshot

Game Screenshot