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Surveillance State ​

My Role ​

  • Programming, UI Design & Implementation

Created Using ​

  • Unity Engine
  • C#
  • Blender
  • Substance Painter

Achievements ​

  • 875+ views on
  • 230+ downloads on
  • 3 YouTube gameplay videos posted

Overview ​

I created this game as part of my college degree, where I challenged myself to learn the Unity engine and create a 3D game demo from scratch.

This game is a first-person horror experience where the player must monitor security cameras, reporting any anomalous 'incidents' that occur to stay sane and survive the night. The game demo features a single apartment level with a variety of rooms and incidents to look out for.

This was my first time creating a 3D game in Unity, and I learned a lot about the engine, 3D modelling and texturing, and I am proud of the positive reception the game received in the comments on

Showcase ​

The gallery below shows some screenshots from the game.

Game Screenshot

Game Screenshot

Game Screenshot