Graveyard Tycoon ​
My Role ​
- Programming, UI Design & Implementation
Created Using ​
- Roblox Studio
- Lua
Achievements ​
- 15.4K+ visits on Roblox
- 80% positive like ratio
Overview ​
My brother and I had the idea to put a twist on the 'typical' Roblox tycoon experience. Normally, these kinds of games have you purely build up a base and earn money, but we wanted to add a bit more depth to the gameplay.
Graveyard Tycoon has players visit a sprawling underground cave network with distinct locations, where they can find bones, which they can smelt at a crematorium to create ash, which can be sold to a reaper for money.
Money can be spent on unlocking new areas in the underground which offer more bones as a reward, upgrading your backpack capacity and smelting speed, and building up your graveyard to completion!
Showcase ​
The gallery below shows some screenshots from the game.