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Color Dash ​

My Role ​

  • Programming, UI Design & Implementation

Created Using ​

  • Roblox Studio
  • Lua

Achievements ​

  • 8K+ visits on Roblox
  • 78% positive like ratio

Overview ​

Color Dash is a party game created on the Roblox platform where players must run to a platform of the colour that shows up on their screen before the timer runs out, or they will be eliminated.

This is one of the first published games I created on Roblox, and I wanted to create a fun and engaging experience for players to enjoy with their friends.

Looking back and reflecting on this game is a great reminder of how far I've come, especially in regards to my knowledge and skills on the Roblox platform and with Lua development.

Showcase ​

The gallery below shows some screenshots from the game.

Game Screenshot

Game Screenshot

Game Screenshot