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Ratventure ​

My Role ​

  • Sole Programmer

Created Using ​

  • Godot Engine
  • GDScript
  • Blender

Achievements ​

  • Achieved 2nd place in the game jam

Overview ​

I participated in a 10 day long game jam whilst I was studying at college. I worked alone to create a 3D time-trials platformer game with a theme of 'Sewer'.

In Ratventure, players take on the role of a rat with a goal to finish a level - find the cheese - as fast as possible. Featuring a data saving system that keeps track of player's best times for each level, I was able to put some thought into level design and create shortcuts and skips that players could learn about and use to improve their times.

Creating this game was an experience in learning how to create a 3D game in the Godot Engine, and I am glad to have had the opportunity to learn more about the engine and creating 3D games in general. I am proud to say that I achieved 2nd place overall in the game jam.

Showcase ​

The gallery below shows some screenshots from the game.

Game Screenshot

Game Screenshot

Game Screenshot

Game Screenshot