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2 Player Teamwork Puzzles Obby ​

My Role ​

  • Programming, UI Design & Implementation

Created Using ​

  • Roblox Studio
  • Lua

Achievements ​

  • 1K+ visits on Roblox
  • 90% positive like ratio

Overview ​

As a project under my Roblox studio, I created a 2 player teamwork puzzle obby game. The game is designed to be played by two players, who must work together to solve puzzles by pushing different buttons and complete the obby. The game features a variety of different puzzles that require players to communicate and work together to reach the end.

I developed this project alongside my brother, who helped with the design and testing of the levels. I also invited some friends to help design some levels, which added more variety to the puzzles in the final game and gave me some additional experience working with others on a project.

This game features some customisation options for players, such as chat tags and trails, which can be purchased for coins earned by completing levels.

Showcase ​

The gallery below shows some screenshots from the game.

Game Screenshot

Game Screenshot

Game Screenshot

Game Screenshot

Game Screenshot